Brush with art: context of Indian modern art

Brush with art: context of Indian modern artBrush with art: context of Indian modern art

DAG Modern in association with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi is coming up with a workshop on art appreciation in context of Indian modern art. The day-long seminar(October 14, Punjab Kala Bhawan, 11.30 am onwards), comprises five sessions and specially tailored towards those unfamiliar with critical key points leading to an understanding and appreciation of art. The sessions curated for a general audience with some sessions directed particularly for the media as well as for students of fine and applied arts.

Some of the sessions include:

A brief history of Indian modern art: This will help the audience understand the context from which Indian art created, how it has played a critical role in nationalism, some of its important movements and styles, the development of genres such as portraiture, landscapes, still-life, abstracts, and the importance of spiritual in aesthetic narratives, as well as the importance of artists such as Nandalal Bose, Rabindranath Tagore, M F Husain, S H Raza, N S Bendre, Tyeb Mehta, V S Gaitonde, Nasreen Mohamedi and others who have played a critical role in its development.

Collecting art, investing in art:

Not everyone who buys art is a collector, a misnomer that needs to corrected through a proper understanding of the term: Collecting. How does one build a collection? How is collecting different from investing in art? What are the points to observe when investing in art?

In conversation with artists: Artists Manu and Madhvi Parekh, practicing in vastly different contexts and styles, will share their creative journey and its many aspects.

Mediums and materials in art practice: What is tempera? How is it different from gouache? What is an edition work for a sculptor? What is an artist’s proof? How can you tell oil apart from acrylic paint?

Careers in art:

For long, it felt that the only careers in art were those of an artist, a graphic designer and perhaps, an art writer. But the study of art in its various manifestations offers opportunities that are very wide-ranging: from research scholars to those working with auction houses, as conservators and restorers, managing galleries, organising events, making films, cataloguing and documenting.

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